1.91.5 English Translation / List of new strings

Bugs and Suggestions in XnView Classic which have been resolved

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1.91.5 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

Probably on coming Thursday Pierre will release XnView 1.91.5 with some minor enhancements and changes.

In XnView 1.91.5 there will be new strings:

Code: Select all

#define TXT_NviewMenu_Convert_Colors	         "Convert to &Colours..."
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Saved_Selection          "Saved selection\tC"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Custom_Selection         "Custom selection..."

#define TXT_Option_Go_Next_Subfolder_Auto      "Go to the next subfolder (fullscreen)"

#define TXT_Adjust_Keep_Values       "Keep values for next time"
#define TXT_String_Cache_Size        "[Cache size: %s %s]"
#define TXT_String_Quick_Copy        "Are you sure you want to Copy this file to <%s>?" 
#define TXT_String_Quick_Move        "Are you sure you want to Move this file to <%s>?" 

#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_GPS    "EXIF - GPS"

#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Latitude_Ref     "Latitude Ref."
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Latitude         "Latitude"
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Longitude_Ref    "Longitude Ref."
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Longitude        "Longitude"
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Haltitude_Ref    "Altitude Ref."
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Haltitude        "Altitude"

#define TXT_Custom_Selection                   "Custom selection"
#define TXT_Pan_Mosaic                         "Mosaic"
#define TXT_Pan_Nb_Thumb_Row                   "Number of thumbs per row"
#define TXT_Pan_Randomly_Position              "Randomly position:"

#define TXT_Conv_Colors                        "Colours:"
#define TXT_Conv_Dithering                     "Dithering:"

#define TXT_Print_Rotate                       "Automatically rotate the picture"
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Post by helmut »

I propose some changes:

Go to the next subfolder (fullscreen)
--> Go to next subfolder (fullscreen)

Are you sure you want to Copy this file to <%s>?
--> Do you want to copy this file to <%s>?

Are you sure you want to Move this file to <%s>?
--> Do you want to move this file to <%s>?

Number of thumbs per row
--> Thumbs per row

Randomly position:
--> Random position

Automatically rotate the picture
--> Rotate picture automatically

What do other people think? Especially I'd be interested in native speaker's opions.
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Post by Troken »

Helmut, can I just copy the strings to the existing translation file? If yes, to which of the two? Stringsv.h or Xnviews.h?
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Post by xnview »

Troken wrote:Helmut, can I just copy the strings to the existing translation file? If yes, to which of the two? Stringsv.h or Xnviews.h?
No, send me only a text with the sentences....
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Post by helmut »

Troken wrote:Helmut, can I just copy the strings to the existing translation file? If yes, to which of the two? Stringsv.h or Xnviews.h?
The above text strings have a different formatting than Pierre has (Spaces instead of tabs). So I think you should wait till Pierre sends you the English text file with new strings and then translate it. Right, Pierre?
xnview wrote:
Troken wrote:Helmut, can I just copy the strings to the existing translation file? If yes, to which of the two? Stringsv.h or Xnviews.h?
No, send me only a text with the sentences....
The translated texts should be sent as attached text file otherwise the Umlauts and accents might get lost.
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Post by helmut »

Some hints for other translators:

- TXT_NviewMenu_Convert_Colors
This string is found in menu "Image". Please note the elipsis "...", it is needed because a dialog is opened when choosing the menu item.

- TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_ ...
All the new EXIF stuff is related to GPS and geographical coordinates (you guessed it). So the "normal" translations for "Longitude" and "Latitude" apply. A valid value for longitude would be "N 48° 36′ 0.00000″ ".
Longitude and Latitude contain the value, "Longitude Ref" and "Latitude Ref" contain the reference information (North/South or East/West, respectively).

- TXT_NviewMenu_Custom_Selection
"Custom selection.." can be found in menu "Edit > Set selection size >". Here, also the elipsis "..." should be used.

- TXT_Pan_Mosaic, TXT_Pan_Nb_Thumb_Row, and TXT_Pan_Randomly_Position
These strings can be found in "Create > Strip of images...".
The string "TXT_Pan_Nb_Thumb_Row" is very much related to the existing string TXT_Thumb_Number_Columns. Similiar or same translation should be used.

- TXT_Conv_Dithering
For "Dithering:" the values "None", "Floyd Steinberg", and "Bayer" can be choosen. Dithering is well explained in Wikipedia, section "[edit] Digital photography and image processing". Translating "Dithering" might be hard.

Hope this helps...
Last edited by helmut on Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Ellipsis is one character

Post by Clo »

• Hi !

• Just a friendly remark :
Please note the elipsis "...",
- That you wrote is not an ellipsis, but three dots. A real ellipsis is a single character #133 =
and saves 2 characters each, that is not negligible in a very long text¦menus… (ellipsis here) ;)
- It's supported now with the font stated in the language-libraries.
- Especially in French (but not only), the typographical rules impose the true ellipsis, used in the traditional printing jobs too…
Just my 0,05 €…

:mrgreen: G.
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Post by helmut »

In the German version of XnView there's a menu item "File > Print all tabs" (English!) in image view mode. Did I miss something?