Firefox Extensions

All non-XnView related: softwares, formats, imaging, photography...

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Post by ckit »


FxIF (Firefox exIF) allows you to view the EXIF data contained in JPEG images from the convenience of your Firefox browser. Most digital cameras add this data to all images you take.

FxIF is written entirely in javascript, and as such should be portable to all platforms that Mozilla runs on.

After installing FxIF, simply right click on an image, then click "Properties".

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Post by ckit »

Ook? Video Ook!

Gives you the capability of downloading easily and quickly embedded videos from several web sites such as YouTube, Google Video, Smithappens and other (soon there will be a detailed list of supported systems [I'm actually working on the support architecture]).

* download videos from several systems, with the ability to store them in an specific folder.
* automatic renaming of files using the titles of the clips.
* execution from the browser, without redirections to other web sites which could eventually log your information. this way you shouldn't care about other people's sites' downtimes.

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Post by ckit »

Gmail Notifier

Allows checking for new Gmail messages directly from the browser's UI.
A status bar item will show once installed, and a toolbar item can be added by customizing the toolbar.

* Monitor your Gmail account from within your Mozilla-based browser.
* Statusbar item available for all browsers, and Firefox users get a toolbar item as well.
* Supports Gmail Hosted accounts. Simply use username@hosteddomain.tld as the username in the notifier.

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Post by ckit »

HTML Validator

Adds HTML validation inside Firefox and Mozilla.
The number of errors of a HTML page is seen on the form of an icon in the status bar when browsing.
The details of the errors are seen when looking the HTML source of the page.

The extension is based on Tidy. Tidy, was originally developed by the Web Consortium W3C. And now extended and improved by a lot of persons. Tidy is embedded inside Mozilla/Firefox and makes the validation locally on your machine, without sending HTML to a third party server.

Tidy is a helpful program that tries to help people to correct their HTML errors. It finds HTML errors and classifies them in 3 categories:

* errors: HTML errors that Tidy cannot fix or understand.
* warnings: HTML errors that Tidy can fix automatically
* (optional) accessibility warnings: HTML warnings for the 3 priority levels defined in W3c WAI

If you have only Warnings, press on the "Clean up" button and Tidy will do his best to propose you a cleaned version of your page.

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Post by ckit »

PDF Download

Solves the problems everyone has about handling PDF files with Firefox. PDF Download is not a PDF plugin: you still need to have installed the Adobe or the FoxIt PDF plugin if you want to open a PDF inside Firefox.

This extension, every time you click on a link, checks if the target is a pdf file and in this case let you choose what you want to do (open pdf file inside or outside Firefox, download it to the filesystem or view it as HTML).

This extension is useful for example when you don't know the size of the pdf file you want to view. In this case, in fact, if you load the pdf file directly in your browser you need to wait a lot of time in order to load Adobe or whatever PDF plug-in, download the file, and view the file. Using PDF Download, instead, you can see the file size in the dialog box that appears just after you clicked on a PDF link and then choose to download the file, open it or to view it as an HTML page.

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Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:11 am
Location: QLD, Australia

Post by ckit »


The main goal consists to view page source with external applications but you can also...

* open page source as DOM document
* open CSS and JS files present on page
* open images using your preferred image viewer (e.g. GIMP or ACDSee)
* open PDF links with Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader or what you prefer
* edit textboxes content with your preferred editor and automatically see modified text on browser when you re-switch focus on it, this simplifies wiki pages editing
* open server side pages that generate the browser content, this simplifies web developer's debug
* open files listed in Javascript console. When editor open file the cursor can be moved to line number shown on javascript console
