FirmTools ShellExtensions!

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FirmTools ShellExtensions!

Post by ckit »

FirmTools ShellExtenions - Freeware:

As far we develop our products for digital camera users we know that you can have tons of images scattered on your computer. ShellExtension is our FREE program that we grant you as the BONUS to help you with images manipulation.

This is a very handy application that extends Windows Explorer User Interface with 3 useful commands for graphic files. ShellExtension adds an option to context menu that allows you to view a thumbnail of an image, convert it to any of supported formats and print them.

Last edited by ckit on Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2577
Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:11 am
Location: QLD, Australia

Post by ckit »

Pierre, we need a Print feature for XnView's shell extension.