Thumbs.db and explorer addon

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Thumbs.db and explorer addon

Post by dcakovan »

Hi, I am sure someone here might have an answer...
I do not want to remove or clean directories of Thumbs.db. Actually I want to keep it but find an addon for windows explorer that will update Thumbs.db as I delete or move images out of a directory.
What happens is when images are gone thumbnails are still present in Thumbs.db.

Is there an addon for explorer that will update Thumbs.db and remove those thumbnails from within Thumbs.db of missing images that were moved out of folder?

Thanks all.
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Re: Thumbs.db and explorer addon

Post by XnTriq »

Hello dcakovan :-)
  • MiTeC: Windows File Analyzer » Thumbnail Database Analyzer
    This analyzer reads Thumbs.db file and displays its content with stored data include image preview.
  • IT Samples
    • Thumbnail Database Viewer
      Thumbnail Database Viewer enables you to view thumbnail cache which is used by Windows to speed up the display of thumbnails in folders (thumbs.db. ehthumbs.db, thumbcache_*.db files).
    • Thumbnail Database Cleaner
      Thumbnail Database Cleaner enables you to clean up thumbnail cache which is used by Windows to speed up the display of thumbnails in folders (thumbs.db, ehthumbs.db, thumbcache_*.db files). Usually these files are system files and hidden.
  • Wikipedia: Windows thumbnail cache
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Re: Thumbs.db and explorer addon

Post by dcakovan »

Thanks XnTriq, but not exactly what I was looking for. Those cleaners just delete thumbs.db.
I was after something that is more like an addon that will update thumbs.db on the fly as you add or remove images from folders in windows explorer.
I do not think anything like that exist.
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Re: Thumbs.db and explorer addon

Post by XnTriq »

dcakovan wrote:I do not think anything like that exist.
:? I guess you're right:
PC Magazine ([url=,2817,1763646,00.asp]Refresh Thumbnails and Save Space[/url]) wrote:In theory, the Thumbs.db file stays up to date with the folder's current contents, updating thumbnail images as necessary. In practice, the file can sometimes get out of sync, and may also wind up containing thumbnails for files that have been deleted from the folder. You can right-click on an individual file and choose Refresh Thumbnail, but for many photos in many folders that's too slow. Since Windows will re-create the thumbnails as needed, an occasional general cleanup is a good idea, and it's easy to do.
Houston Chronicle » HelpLine ([url=]Delete the image, but the thumbnail stays[/url]) wrote:Since you are creating a new file with the same name of an image the thumb.db file already has cache it is not updating, assuming the image to be the same as what it has recorded for that file name.

The only way I know of to update a thumbnail cache is to delete the thumbs.db file.
ckv ([url=]Thumbnails in Windows Explorer[/url]) wrote:I found this open soure shell extention that adds thumbnail support for 19 file types in Windows Explorer. :D
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Re: Thumbs.db and explorer addon

Post by dcakovan »

Thank you kindly for your help and all the links.