Video Editor - not Freeware, but ... !

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Video Editor - not Freeware, but ... !

Post by SZOMM »

I want to give this tip to everyone interested in Video-Editing, it is a commercial Prog for cash, but it is great !

I tried so many progs for editing, including PinnacleStudio10Pro, but non of them did really work very good and fast and I was not happy about spending hours and days testing all that, for example encoding big stuff about 10 hours and getting in the last minute an error "Wasn't succesfull, please try again ... !"

So my surprise was very big when i bought WinOnCD 9 Pro for €50.-, thats about $60.- It has 2 inbuild-editors, one for editing a single video-file, another for to build VideoCD/DVD. Everything in this modules work fine and very fast, the prog can also burn BlueRay-Discs and has capabilities for editing music-files and much more.

So excuse for writing about commercial software, but this one is really great and cheap and easy to use ... and excuse my english, i'm german ...

Have a nice day an good luck

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