I have an odd situation where copying an image in XnView (Ctrl+C) results in a corrupt image that can't be pasted elsewhere. It happens only to image that were initially copied from Chrome into XnView.
Steps to reproduce:
- In Google Chrome , navigate to https://colorlib.com/wp/free-simple-website-templates/
- Right-click, Copy image on the main image of that webpage ( the image url is https://colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uplo ... s.jpg.webp ) ... see 1* below
- Paste into XnView Classic using Ctrl+Shift+V
- Copy that image from XnView Classic using Ctrl+C ... see 2* below
- Paste into Microsoft Word using Ctrl+V
Notice that the image fails to paste. This is also the behaviour for other applications. e.g. if you attempt the last step, but paste it into imgur.com , you get a `File type invalid (1)` error.
InsideClipboard contents:
Code: Select all
Format ID Format Name Handle Type Size Index
2 CF_BITMAP Bitmap 0 5
8 CF_DIB Memory 4,521,640 6
17 CF_DIBV5 Memory 4,521,724 2
49378 PNG Memory 526,553 1
49409 HTML Format Memory 306 3
49466 UniformResourceLocatorW Memory 170 4
Code: Select all
Format ID Format Name Handle Type Size Index
2 CF_BITMAP Bitmap 0 2
8 CF_DIB Null 0 3
17 CF_DIBV5 Memory 4,521,724 1
XnView 2.51.5 installed via scoop package manager