Show Grid turns off after using Rotate dialog [Solved]

Bugs found in XnView Classic. Please report only one bug per topic!

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Show Grid turns off after using Rotate dialog [Solved]

Post by rechlin »

I have found that if you have the grid turned on ("Show Grid" checked in the View menu) and then you open the Custom Rotate dialog (Image-Rotate-Custom), upon closing the dialog, the grid will then turn off. This is verified in version 2.50.2 on Windows 10, but I've seen this in past versions as well.

Normally the Custom Rotate dialog shows the grid upon opening (when the "Show Grid" checkbox within the dialog is checked) and then hides it upon closing, but it does not respect the user's current "Show Grid" setting upon closing, always hiding the grid after closing. Similarly, if the "Show Grid" checkbox within the dialog is not checked, if the grid is on before the dialog is opened, the grid will turn off immediately open opening the dialog, and will stay off after closing the dialog.

I believe the expected behavior would be that the global "Show Grid" setting in the View menu should be respected, and the grid should remain on after closing the Custom Rotate dialog if it had been on before opening the dialog.
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Re: Show Grid turns off after using Rotate dialog

Post by xnview »

will be fixed
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:06 am

Re: Show Grid turns off after using Rotate dialog

Post by rechlin »

I confirm this is now fixed in the new version. Thank you for the quick turnaround!

I have two other lower-priority bugs to report (one is a crash that seems to be caused by a race condition, and the other is a bug in resampling 8-bit grayscale images, but both are fairly easy to work around), but I'll make threads for those later once I have good, clear steps to reproduce. Thanks for continuing to support such a useful piece of software.