Purposeful deletion of file associations - .jpeg, .ico, .psd

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Purposeful deletion of file associations - .jpeg, .ico, .psd

Post by andnovator »

I love XnView, but I hate situation with file association. Near 5 years ago .jpeg (4 sygn extension) file association was removed from XnView Classic. Now in WIn 10 .jpeg is default file association, which is used to determine default image viewer. So I must manualy create file association for .jpeg to XnView, then open Win 10 settings, only after that set default viewer to XnViw (because before there is no XnView - because it hasn't association for .jpeg).

Then near 2-3 years ago .ico association was completelly removed from XnView Classic. There is no icon for .ico. So I must create association for .ico manualy for XnView, then find old XnView icon for .ico file, and then edit registry to set icon for .ico files.

And now MORE: near a month ago .psd file association was removed from XnView!!! Thanks .psd icon is still there (in XnView icon "storage"). But who knows, maybe even this is temporary. >:|

Every new virtual system/new PC I need to manualy copy file association in registry....

So my question: what a ...????!! Why this association was removed completely, why XnView doesn't have associations for this files, when it simply can store it, but doesn't set by default?? And why is STILL "new" association that was removed????? It's stupid.

P.s. - sorry for my English
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Re: Purposeful deletion of file associations - .jpeg, .ico, .psd

Post by xnview »

andnovator wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:40 am So my question: what a ...????!! Why this association was removed completely, why XnView doesn't have associations for this files, when it simply can store it, but doesn't set by default?? And why is STILL "new" association that was removed????? It's stupid.
do you use the setup? .psd was not before, which version do you had?
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Re: Purposeful deletion of file associations - .jpeg, .ico, .psd

Post by andnovator »

1) Yes, I use setup file.

2) Hm, very strange. Now, when I open some multiple version of XnView classic (on different PC), thety are have .jpeg and .psd associations in "Set defaults for apps". But in same time for the same versions of XnView (for example, 2.49.2) in one PC i have .jpeg and.psd associations, and on another I didn't have... Very strange
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Re: Purposeful deletion of file associations - .jpeg, .ico, .psd

Post by andnovator »

And with last 2.49.5 on clean Windows 10 install I have .psd and .jpeg associations (but XnView didn't setup it by default, so Win 10 doesn't see this app for serring as default image viewer in Win 10 setup app)
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Re: Purposeful deletion of file associations - .jpeg, .ico, .psd

Post by andnovator »

For exapmle for 2.49.2 version.

Windows 7 (and one Windows 10 PC) - doesn't have .jpeg and .psd associations (so, for example, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\XnView.jpeg doesn't exist). See the "second" screenshot (xnview_2492_win7.jpg).

Two Windows 10 (and clean Windows 10 20h2 install) - have .jpeg and .psd associations (and so registry keys). See the "first" screenshot (xnview_2492_win10.jpg)
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Re: Purposeful deletion of file associations - .jpeg, .ico, .psd

Post by andnovator »

Btw, .psd association registry key:
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Re: Purposeful deletion of file associations - .jpeg, .ico, .psd

Post by andnovator »

Wow, seems like I found the way to creating file associations, registry keys and so on - Run XnView as administrator, open Settings, open Association tab, then press "Windows file associations" button. Even on Windows 10 (pressing button doesn't open "Set defaults for apps" for XnView, only show popup message with guide to open "Set defaults for apps", but "something" happened - all icons on taskbar "blinked" once [and on Win 7 registry keys and so on was created]).

See screenshot for XnView 2.49.5 on Windows 7 - see difference with previous Win 7 screenshot above
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