Clean Metadata re-encodes JPEGs?

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Clean Metadata re-encodes JPEGs?

Post by XnTriq »

XnView v2.40 (and possibly previous versions):
  • Download Karl02's exif-orientation-testimages-v2.rar and extract the archive.
  • Remove the write protection attributes from the extracted files.
  • Select F2_1.jpg in browse mode and go to EditMetadataClean....
  • Deactivate all checkboxes except XMP and hit the OK button.
Expected behavior: File remains untouched (no changes)
Actual behavior: File is re-encoded (conversion from baseline to progressive DCT and from standard to optimized Huffman table) :bug:
JPEGsnoop ([color=green]F2_1.jpg[/color]) wrote:

Code: Select all

JPEGsnoop 1.7.5 by Calvin Hass

  Filename: [X:\exif-orientation-testimages-v2\F2_1.jpg]
  Filesize: [9521] Bytes

Start Offset: 0x00000000
*** Marker: SOI (xFFD8) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000000
*** Marker: APP0 (xFFE0) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000002
  Length     = 16
  Identifier = [JFIF]
  version    = [1.1]
  density    = 72 x 72 DPI (dots per inch)
  thumbnail  = 0 x 0
*** Marker: APP1 (xFFE1) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000014
  Length          = 4664
  Identifier      = [Exif]
  Identifier TIFF = 0x[4D4D002A 00000008]
  Endian          = Motorola (big)
  TAG Mark x002A  = 0x002A

  EXIF IFD0 @ Absolute 0x00000026
    Dir Length = 0x000A
    [Orientation                         ] = 1 = Row 0: top, Col 0: left
    [XResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [YResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [ResolutionUnit                      ] = Inch
    [Software                            ] = "GIMP 2.8"
    [DateTime                            ] = "2015:06:09 13:00:03"
    [Artist                              ] = "Karl02"
    [YCbCrPositioning                    ] = Centered
    [Copyright                           ] = "GNU GPL"
    [ExifOffset                          ] = @ 0x00C4
    Offset to Next IFD = 0x0000013A

  EXIF IFD1 @ Absolute 0x00000158
    Dir Length = 0x0008
    [Compression                         ] = JPEG
    [IFD1.0x0112                         ] = 1
    [XResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [YResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [ResolutionUnit                      ] = Inch
    [IFD1.0x0132                         ] = "2015:06:09 13:00:04"
    [JpegIFOffset                        ] = @ +0x01C4 = @ 0x01E2
    [JpegIFByteCount                     ] = 0x[0000106B] / 4203
    Offset to Next IFD = 0x00000000

  EXIF SubIFD @ Absolute 0x000000E2
    Dir Length = 0x0006
    [ExifVersion                         ] = 02.30
    [DateTimeOriginal                    ] = "2015:06:09 13:00:01"
    [DateTimeDigitized                   ] = "2015:06:09 13:00:02"
    [ComponentsConfiguration             ] = [Y Cb Cr .]
    [FlashPixVersion                     ] = 01.00
    [ColorSpace                          ] = sRGB
*** Marker: COM (Comment) (xFFFE) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000124E
  Comment length = 28
    Comment=Created with GIMP v2.8.14.
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
  Define a Quantization Table.
  OFFSET: 0x0000126C
  Table length = 67
  Precision=8 bits
  Destination ID=0 (Luminance)
    DQT, Row #0:   2   1   1   2   2   4   5   6 
    DQT, Row #1:   1   1   1   2   3   6   6   6 
    DQT, Row #2:   1   1   2   2   4   6   7   6 
    DQT, Row #3:   1   2   2   3   5   9   8   6 
    DQT, Row #4:   2   2   4   6   7  11  10   8 
    DQT, Row #5:   2   4   6   6   8  10  11   9 
    DQT, Row #6:   5   6   8   9  10  12  12  10 
    DQT, Row #7:   7   9  10  10  11  10  10  10 
    Approx quality factor = 95.04 (scaling=9.93 variance=1.25)
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
  Define a Quantization Table.
  OFFSET: 0x000012B1
  Table length = 67
  Precision=8 bits
  Destination ID=1 (Chrominance)
    DQT, Row #0:   2   2   2   5  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #1:   2   2   3   7  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #2:   2   3   6  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #3:   5   7  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #4:  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #5:  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #6:  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #7:  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    Approx quality factor = 94.91 (scaling=10.18 variance=0.26)
*** Marker: SOF2 (Progressive DCT, Huffman) (xFFC2) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000012F6
  Frame header length = 17
  Precision = 8
  Number of Lines = 255
  Samples per Line = 239
  Image Size = 239 x 255
  Raw Image Orientation = Portrait
  Number of Img components = 3
    Component[1]: ID=0x01, Samp Fac=0x22 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x00 (Lum: Y)
    Component[2]: ID=0x02, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cb)
    Component[3]: ID=0x03, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cr)
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001309
  Huffman table length = 28
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 00 
    Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 09 
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 08 
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 07 
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 04 
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 06 
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 03 
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 02 
    Codes of length 09 bits (001 total): 05 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 009

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001327
  Huffman table length = 28
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 00 
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 03 bits (003 total): 05 06 07 
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 08 
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 09 
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 02 
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 04 
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 03 
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 009

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001345
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=1(DC),0(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=1(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 0
  Successive approximation = 0x01

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001635
  Huffman table length = 39
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 03 bits (005 total): 00 06 07 20 37 
    Codes of length 04 bits (003 total): 05 08 16 
    Codes of length 05 bits (004 total): 10 18 30 36 
    Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 04 40 
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 03 
    Codes of length 08 bits (005 total): 01 02 11 17 32 
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 020

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000165E
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 5
  Successive approximation = 0x02

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000018C9
  Huffman table length = 53
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 03 bits (003 total): 01 02 04 
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 00 
    Codes of length 05 bits (016 total): 05 07 10 15 16 30 34 35 52 53 71 72 91 A1 B2 D1 

    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 03 
    Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 06 11 12 
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 21 
    Codes of length 09 bits (009 total): 08 32 41 61 73 81 B1 B3 C1 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 034

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001900
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x01

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001A68
  Huffman table length = 52
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 01 03 
    Codes of length 04 bits (006 total): 00 02 05 06 71 91 
    Codes of length 05 bits (010 total): 10 16 17 30 33 34 53 B1 C1 D2 
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 04 
    Codes of length 07 bits (002 total): 07 11 
    Codes of length 08 bits (003 total): 21 41 51 
    Codes of length 09 bits (009 total): 12 22 31 36 52 54 72 73 B2 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 033

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001A9E
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x01

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001C19
  Huffman table length = 58
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 03 bits (003 total): 02 03 04 
    Codes of length 04 bits (004 total): 00 05 20 B3 
    Codes of length 05 bits (005 total): 01 36 75 83 D1 
    Codes of length 06 bits (009 total): 06 10 34 35 40 76 95 A3 D3 
    Codes of length 07 bits (006 total): 11 12 21 31 94 A5 
    Codes of length 08 bits (004 total): 13 14 22 30 
    Codes of length 09 bits (007 total): 32 41 42 84 A4 B4 D2 
    Codes of length 10 bits (001 total): 63 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 039

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001C55
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 6 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x02

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000020C3
  Huffman table length = 36
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 01 
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 11 21 
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 41 
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 40 
    Codes of length 06 bits (008 total): 00 10 30 31 50 61 71 80 
    Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 51 70 A1 
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 81 
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 017

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000020E9
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x21

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000021E9
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 0
  Successive approximation = 0x10

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000022AB
  Huffman table length = 35
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 01 
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 00 F0 
    Codes of length 04 bits (006 total): 10 30 51 A1 B1 F1 
    Codes of length 05 bits (002 total): 11 C1 
    Codes of length 06 bits (003 total): 21 31 41 
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 40 
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 71 
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 016

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000022D0
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x10

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00002374
  Huffman table length = 32
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 01 30 
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 11 A1 
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 41 
    Codes of length 05 bits (003 total): 10 21 31 
    Codes of length 06 bits (005 total): 00 40 61 C1 F0 
    Codes of length 07 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 08 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 013

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00002396
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x10

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000023FD
  Huffman table length = 35
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 01 
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 11 21 
    Codes of length 04 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 05 bits (004 total): 00 40 51 B1 
    Codes of length 06 bits (006 total): 10 30 50 80 A1 F1 
    Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 41 61 70 
    Codes of length 08 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 016

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00002422
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x10

*** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000252F
JPEGsnoop ([color=green]F2_1_Clean.jpg[/color]) wrote:

Code: Select all

JPEGsnoop 1.7.5 by Calvin Hass

  Filename: [X:\exif-orientation-testimages-v2\F2_1_Clean.jpg]
  Filesize: [11914] Bytes

Start Offset: 0x00000000
*** Marker: SOI (xFFD8) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000000
*** Marker: APP0 (xFFE0) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000002
  Length     = 16
  Identifier = [JFIF]
  version    = [1.1]
  density    = 72 x 72 DPI (dots per inch)
  thumbnail  = 0 x 0
*** Marker: APP1 (xFFE1) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000014
  Length          = 4664
  Identifier      = [Exif]
  Identifier TIFF = 0x[4D4D002A 00000008]
  Endian          = Motorola (big)
  TAG Mark x002A  = 0x002A

  EXIF IFD0 @ Absolute 0x00000026
    Dir Length = 0x000A
    [Orientation                         ] = 1 = Row 0: top, Col 0: left
    [XResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [YResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [ResolutionUnit                      ] = Inch
    [Software                            ] = "GIMP 2.8"
    [DateTime                            ] = "2015:06:09 13:00:03"
    [Artist                              ] = "Karl02"
    [YCbCrPositioning                    ] = Centered
    [Copyright                           ] = "GNU GPL"
    [ExifOffset                          ] = @ 0x00C4
    Offset to Next IFD = 0x0000013A

  EXIF IFD1 @ Absolute 0x00000158
    Dir Length = 0x0008
    [Compression                         ] = JPEG
    [IFD1.0x0112                         ] = 1
    [XResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [YResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [ResolutionUnit                      ] = Inch
    [IFD1.0x0132                         ] = "2015:06:09 13:00:04"
    [JpegIFOffset                        ] = @ +0x01C4 = @ 0x01E2
    [JpegIFByteCount                     ] = 0x[0000106B] / 4203
    Offset to Next IFD = 0x00000000

  EXIF SubIFD @ Absolute 0x000000E2
    Dir Length = 0x0006
    [ExifVersion                         ] = 02.30
    [DateTimeOriginal                    ] = "2015:06:09 13:00:01"
    [DateTimeDigitized                   ] = "2015:06:09 13:00:02"
    [ComponentsConfiguration             ] = [Y Cb Cr .]
    [FlashPixVersion                     ] = 01.00
    [ColorSpace                          ] = sRGB
*** Marker: COM (Comment) (xFFFE) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000124E
  Comment length = 28
    Comment=Created with GIMP v2.8.14.
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
  Define a Quantization Table.
  OFFSET: 0x0000126C
  Table length = 67
  Precision=8 bits
  Destination ID=0 (Luminance)
    DQT, Row #0:   2   1   1   2   2   4   5   6 
    DQT, Row #1:   1   1   1   2   3   6   6   6 
    DQT, Row #2:   1   1   2   2   4   6   7   6 
    DQT, Row #3:   1   2   2   3   5   9   8   6 
    DQT, Row #4:   2   2   4   6   7  11  10   8 
    DQT, Row #5:   2   4   6   6   8  10  11   9 
    DQT, Row #6:   5   6   8   9  10  12  12  10 
    DQT, Row #7:   7   9  10  10  11  10  10  10 
    Approx quality factor = 95.04 (scaling=9.93 variance=1.25)
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
  Define a Quantization Table.
  OFFSET: 0x000012B1
  Table length = 67
  Precision=8 bits
  Destination ID=1 (Chrominance)
    DQT, Row #0:   2   2   2   5  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #1:   2   2   3   7  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #2:   2   3   6  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #3:   5   7  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #4:  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #5:  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #6:  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    DQT, Row #7:  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
    Approx quality factor = 94.91 (scaling=10.18 variance=0.26)
*** Marker: SOF0 (Baseline DCT) (xFFC0) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000012F6
  Frame header length = 17
  Precision = 8
  Number of Lines = 255
  Samples per Line = 239
  Image Size = 239 x 255
  Raw Image Orientation = Portrait
  Number of Img components = 3
    Component[1]: ID=0x01, Samp Fac=0x22 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x00 (Lum: Y)
    Component[2]: ID=0x02, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cb)
    Component[3]: ID=0x03, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cr)
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001309
  Huffman table length = 31
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 00 
    Codes of length 03 bits (005 total): 01 02 03 04 05 
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 06 
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 07 
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 08 
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 09 
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 0A 
    Codes of length 09 bits (001 total): 0B 
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 012

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000132A
  Huffman table length = 181
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 01 02 
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 03 
    Codes of length 04 bits (003 total): 00 04 11 
    Codes of length 05 bits (003 total): 05 12 21 
    Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 31 41 
    Codes of length 07 bits (004 total): 06 13 51 61 
    Codes of length 08 bits (003 total): 07 22 71 
    Codes of length 09 bits (005 total): 14 32 81 91 A1 
    Codes of length 10 bits (005 total): 08 23 42 B1 C1 
    Codes of length 11 bits (004 total): 15 52 D1 F0 
    Codes of length 12 bits (004 total): 24 33 62 72 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (001 total): 82 
    Codes of length 16 bits (125 total): 09 0A 16 17 18 19 1A 25 26 27 28 29 2A 34 35 36 
                                         37 38 39 3A 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 53 54 55 56 
                                         57 58 59 5A 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 73 74 75 76 
                                         77 78 79 7A 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 92 93 94 95 
                                         96 97 98 99 9A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA B2 B3 
                                         B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA 
                                         D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 
                                         E8 E9 EA F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA 
    Total number of codes: 162

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000013E1
  Huffman table length = 31
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (003 total): 00 01 02 
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 03 
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 04 
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 05 
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 06 
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 07 
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 08 
    Codes of length 09 bits (001 total): 09 
    Codes of length 10 bits (001 total): 0A 
    Codes of length 11 bits (001 total): 0B 
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total): 
    Total number of codes: 012

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00001402
  Huffman table length = 181
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01 
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 02 
    Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 03 11 
    Codes of length 05 bits (004 total): 04 05 21 31 
    Codes of length 06 bits (004 total): 06 12 41 51 
    Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 07 61 71 
    Codes of length 08 bits (004 total): 13 22 32 81 
    Codes of length 09 bits (007 total): 08 14 42 91 A1 B1 C1 
    Codes of length 10 bits (005 total): 09 23 33 52 F0 
    Codes of length 11 bits (004 total): 15 62 72 D1 
    Codes of length 12 bits (004 total): 0A 16 24 34 
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total): 
    Codes of length 14 bits (001 total): E1 
    Codes of length 15 bits (002 total): 25 F1 
    Codes of length 16 bits (119 total): 17 18 19 1A 26 27 28 29 2A 35 36 37 38 39 3A 43 
                                         44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 63 
                                         64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 82 
                                         83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 
                                         9A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 
                                         B8 B9 BA C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA D2 D3 D4 D5 
                                         D6 D7 D8 D9 DA E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA F2 F3 
                                         F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA 
    Total number of codes: 162

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000014B9
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=1(DC),1(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=1(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x00

*** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00002E88
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Author of XnView
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Re: Clean Metadata re-encodes JPEGs

Post by xnview »

same thing i think for XnViewMP?
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Re: Clean Metadata re-encodes JPEGs

Post by XnTriq »

xnview wrote:same thing i think for XnViewMP?
Right, same behavior in both editions.
Posts: 5
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Re: Clean Metadata re-encodes JPEGs?

Post by Mugros »

I face the same issue 6 years later. I want to clean the XMP data but XnViewMP always encodes the image again.
When I clean manually I have to save and then it is encoded again.
When I use batch convert and select "same as original" it also encodes them again.
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Author of XnView
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Re: Clean Metadata re-encodes JPEGs?

Post by xnview »

Mugros wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 6:28 pm I face the same issue 6 years later. I want to clean the XMP data but XnViewMP always encodes the image again.
When I clean manually I have to save and then it is encoded again.
When I use batch convert and select "same as original" it also encodes them again.
you are not in the good forum