Could you confirm my understanding about the field unit in the menu image / resize.
it is rather a future value of resolution than the actual one (as this figure does not appear into the properties of the picture).
It's relatively ambigous
I apologize , very likely the question has already been adressed but unable to find the answer with units or resolution as keywords.
thanks in advance
Image / resize / units
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2024 3:50 pm
Re: Image / resize / units
in fact I found out that the actual resolution is in the information image Tab of the properties popup menu (PPP) (rather the definition size). In the exit tab the resoluion fields seem something else (probably for a printer resolution) . Really confusing. I know that resolution and definition are different. But... better to use GIMP or another tool to be sure.
in fact I found out that the actual resolution is in the information image Tab of the properties popup menu (PPP) (rather the definition size). In the exit tab the resoluion fields seem something else (probably for a printer resolution) . Really confusing. I know that resolution and definition are different. But... better to use GIMP or another tool to be sure.