excess refreshing (or something) in browser

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excess refreshing (or something) in browser

Post by midnightrambler »

Whenever I do anything in the browser view – rename a file, open one, rotate, etc. – the green progress bar appears in the bottom right corner like it's refreshing the whole folder. I have a pretty good processor so it doesn't slow things down too much as it goes, but it's kind of annoying, especially because when saving an image the file goes to the end of the thumbnail list and doesn't return to its proper sort order until the refresh is done.

I'm using Windows 11 on a new computer; it didn't do this on my previous one which was running Windows 10. I checked all the settings and they are the same. Tried disabling and re-enabling XnView's caching and that didn't make any difference. Anybody know what's going on here? Is it possibly a Windows file setting?

ETA: I have an SSD and an i7 processor, but it still takes at least 12 seconds for whatever it's doing to finish in a folder with only 600 photos (it's faster in smaller folders). By contrast, disabling and reenabling Windows' indexing on my entire photos directory (34,000 files, 64 Gb), which I tried to see if that was the source of the problem, took the same amount of time.
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Re: excess refreshing (or something) in browser

Post by xnview »

do you use the cache? Which sort option do you use? no file written in this folder?
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Re: excess refreshing (or something) in browser

Post by midnightrambler »

Yes, I have the cache enabled (under Browser>Thumbnails>Cache). I tried disabling it and switching it to a different location, and neither made any difference. I normally use sort by exif date but it does the same thing whatever sort order is used.
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Re: excess refreshing (or something) in browser

Post by xnview »

even with sort by name? where is saved database?
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Re: excess refreshing (or something) in browser

Post by midnightrambler »

Yes, even with sort by name. I had the cache in Pictures and nothing was listed there, so I switched to User and the cached directories are listed, but it made no difference for the issue.
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Re: excess refreshing (or something) in browser

Post by charlio »

Any updates on this? It is very annoying and it keeps using a lot of ressources...
I sort by name and have no filter or filter only images.
2023-07-03 22_01_19-Settings.jpg
2023-07-03 22_02_20-Settings.jpg
Other infos:
Thumb.db = 1.8 GB
XnView.db = 10 MB
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