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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by heimaki »

^ this plugin crashes xnview immediately.
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: xnview.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 55ed9448
Fehlermodulname: Xbpg.usr
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 03be4e90
Ausnahmecode: c0000091
Ausnahmeoffset: 00287812
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 2055
Zusatzinformation 1: 0a9e
Zusatzinformation 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Zusatzinformation 3: 0a9e
Zusatzinformation 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
i posted the same under
not sure which one is the best place to do.
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by Mixer »

It is really nice to see that grayscale jpegs which are loaded with SDK's function LoadBitmap() have they own proper palette in 2.35! Thank you.
I can't find sticky dedicated topic for SDK, so I'm going to ask it here.
Is it technically possible to expand SDK with second version of LoadBitmap(), which will use filename given as wchar_t string?
BOOL (__stdcall * LoadBitmapW)(const wchar_t* filename, PLUGIN_BITMAP* bitmap); //something like this
I don't know how XnView processes files from addons, is name used somewhere inside PLUGIN_BITMAP object or does object consist only of image data?
Please don't tell me "you have XnView MP".
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by xnview »

Mixer wrote: Is it technically possible to expand SDK with second version of LoadBitmap(), which will use filename given as wchar_t string?
BOOL (__stdcall * LoadBitmapW)(const wchar_t* filename, PLUGIN_BITMAP* bitmap); //something like this
XnView use only char*, and if you convert the wchar before?
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by Mixer »

wchar_t is 2 bytes, char is 1 byte. Higher 16 bits can be safely skipped only if they are zeros, that is it works only for first 255 characters of 2-bytes encoded character set: Or else you'll get "??" in place of character with non-zero higher byte:
If I just cast pointer to wchar_t string as (char*), then no Windows will ever understand this twice-long char string path.
Therefore I'm asking, if you could make one, only one for entire XnView function, capable of creating PLUGIN_BITMAP object by reading it from file, which name is given as wchar_t string.
I, of course, can open files with Imagine Unicode, FastStone, can find some food for Mantis by using XnViewMP, can use my Unicode-to-8.3 addon. But if XnView Classic and its SDK are important enough to take place on forum and on downloads page, and if you accept suggestions, then this above is the feature I'd like to have.

fixing embarassing mistake: 8 bits, of course, was thinking about 32-bit lParam and HIWORD/LOWORD while writing it
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by xnview »

Mixer wrote:wchar_t is 2 bytes, char is 1 byte. Higher 16 bits can be safely skipped only if they are zeros, that is it works only for first 255 characters of 2-bytes encoded character set: Or else you'll get "??" in place of character with non-zero higher byte:
why not using WideCharToMultiByte?
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by Mixer »

Please elaborate.
To which exactly charset do you prompt to convert wchar_t string with WideCharToMultiByte() and why?
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by xnview »

Mixer wrote:Please elaborate.
To which exactly charset do you prompt to convert wchar_t string with WideCharToMultiByte() and why?
XnView use internally local 8bits charset
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by Mixer »

I took API Monitor to see which Windows functions XnView calls after receiving filename from my addon to load new picture from file by using SDK's LoadBitmap().

Code: Select all

WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP, 0, "D:\4354~1\D7E0~1\F695~1.JPG", -1, 0x000537b4, 261, NULL, NULL )
GetWindowLongA ( 0x00010462, GWL_USERDATA )
LoadCursorA ( NULL, IDC_WAIT )
SetCursor ( 0x00010015 )
FindFirstFileA ( "D:\4354~1\D7E0~1\F695~1.JPG", 0x00052df4 )
memmove ( 0x00052a98, 0x000527e6, 36 )
memmove ( 0x00052ca0, 0x000527ce, 20 )
memmove ( 0x00052df4, 0x00052a6c, 44 )
FindClose ( 0x00199770 )
GetFileType ( 0x00000188 )
SetFilePointer ( 0x00000188, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x00052a00, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01909b28, 4096, 0x0005295c, NULL )
ReadFile ( 0x00000188, 0x01899758, 4096, 0x00052948, NULL )
I'm not sure what for is called FindFirstFileA(), since returned handle isn't used anywhere.
But handle returned by CreateFileA() is used only by bunch of calls to ReadFile(), therefore I assume this handle doesn't mess with any Unicode-unsupporting windows and controls of XnView.
I see no reason why is impossible accepting filenames in wchar_t and using CreateFileW() to open them for reading.
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by xnview »

Mixer wrote: But handle returned by CreateFileA() is used only by bunch of calls to ReadFile(), therefore I assume this handle doesn't mess with any Unicode-unsupporting windows and controls of XnView.
I see no reason why is impossible accepting filenames in wchar_t and using CreateFileW() to open them for reading.
i don't use windows function, but fopen
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by Mixer »

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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by xnview »

it's not easy, not a function call change only.
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by omniplex »

heimaki wrote:i posted the same under
not sure which one is the best place to do.
Something happened, your ticket is closed, there is a new version of Xbpg.usr, and it can write BPG for XnView 2.35, if the source is PNG or JPG. I opened a new issue asking for more documentation how -lossless in Xbpg.ini is supposed to work.
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by Mixer »

1. Download SDK for AddOns ...
2. Open project in Visual Studio. In my example I have changed Plugin.cpp in following way.
In DialogDlgProc2 code of "My Filter" button was changed from what it was to this:

Code: Select all

			case IDC_FILTER:
					EnableWindow(GetParent(hDlg), TRUE);
3. Build Plugin.xnp.
4. Put Plugin.xnp to AddOn folder, start XnView, go to Viewer with some picture and run this plugin from Filter menu.
5. Click redefined "My Filter" button.
6. Now you should have main window activated.

1. Why picture disappears when I click Zoom In or Zoom Out in activated this way XnView's window?
2. Why XnView crashes if I try to select some other than 100% type of Zoom, like "Fit image to window"?
If you first change picture to next or previous, then new picture won't crash XnView on zooming.

If you're lazy compiling new plugins, I have attached debug build of addon which does the same. It also has another text on redefined button and disables XnView main window if addon's window is activated again.
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by herr_k. »

about the imgur upload addon.
when i unpack the files into the addon dir and try to upload a pic via tools/upload/imgur,
there is an error that the addon is not installed and i have to download it?? (using xn 2.35)

also there is no option in the xnshell to upload it to imgur, only to imageshack, isnt this implemented?

is there an (txt).ini, where i can define maybe a login/pass to upload it directly to my imgur account?
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Re: Addons/Plugins/...

Post by herr_k. »

hello? anyone interested in the plugin not working or am i doing something wrong here?