Auto Text Correction / Code Replacement for IPTC

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Auto Text Correction / Code Replacement for IPTC

Post by SoulePhoto »

It would be great if you could enable "Auto Text Correction" for the IPTC/XMP editor. Or possibly, make the ITCP/XMP editor its own, that you can load a simple text correlation file or even a Photo Mechanic style v1 code replacement text file.

The only thing Photo Mechanic has going for it is its Metadata editor that is geared toward editorial/AP/sports. I was not too impressed with the rest of the PM program.

So giving XnView's IPTC editor an auto-replace feature would greatly increase its value to editorial and stock photographers.

The only other suggestions would be to maximize Windows and Adobe Bridge compatibility by having the ITCP, XMP and DB settings turned on by default. Kept having thumbnails and ITCP/XMP get screwed up because of not having the right settings on.

Thanks for a great program.
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Re: Auto Text Correction / Code Replacement for IPTC

Post by xnview »

SoulePhoto wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2019 8:21 am It would be great if you could enable "Auto Text Correction" for the IPTC/XMP editor. Or possibly, make the ITCP/XMP editor its own, that you can load a simple text correlation file or even a Photo Mechanic style v1 code replacement text file.
could you explain me more this feature?