move or copy to new folder

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move or copy to new folder

Post by loth »


i'd like to suggest the following feature:

i often have to move files from a folder to its subfolder, or to a new subfolder which i name after the filenames i move into that new created subfolder.

now in XnView, i have to select all the files i need,
press STRG-X to cut them into the clipboard, and
press F7 to create a new folder,
browse into that folder, and
press STRG-V to move the files into it. then i have to
go outside that folder an have to manually scroll to the last position the cursor was, before i created a new folder. to keep working...

this is a lot of work for a simple thing ;=)

i'd prefer a way like this:

select all the files and
press ALT+M.
activate that little option which is called:
'create a new folder an move/copy files into it' or (another spelling) 'copy/move files into new created folder'

or press the button called 'move/copy files after creating a new folder'

something like that.
this would save some time and clicking.

anybody any suggestions/ideas?
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Post by Olivier_G »

Currently, there is a good way to do it:
- select the files and use 'Move to Folder'
- choose the right directory, select 'new folder' and name it
- press 'Move' is very close to what you suggest.

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Post by loth »

Olivier_G wrote:Currently, there is a good way to do it:
- select the files and use 'Move to Folder'
- choose the right directory, select 'new folder' and name it
- press 'Move' is very close to what you suggest.

yes it is, and if i named the new folder, i just click on the button "move" instead of enter, and the files are directly moved. the cursor is still on its position, which is correct too.

i wonder why i didnt reccognize that easy way 8-)

thanks mate