Webpage templates: Specify *.html file names

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Webpage templates: Specify *.html file names

Post by TorstenT »


again a request regarding the web page generation :-)

In brief, I wish to have the file name of the generated HTML files to be configurable. A more detailed explaination follows below:

I have to make multilingual web pages. No big deal (even though not very sophisticated using hand-made HTML). Of course I want to re-use the original images (and thumbnail images) and just have multiple sets of HTML files pointing to the same image files.

But this causes problems because XnView seems to have hardcoded the file name of the thumbnail page ("thumbs.html"). It is not sufficient to rename "thumbs.html" to e.g. "index_english.html" because then the links from the thumbnail HTML files (e.g. "Img_1234.html") back to the thumbnail page become invalid.

What I need is a possibility to specify the name of the thumbnail page, preferrably in the setup window (where it would saved / loaded if this feature should ever be implemented). Furthermore, also a way to specify some pre- or postfix for the HTML files in the "original" directory. After all, I have to have a different set of them for each language.

Torsten Thießenhusen
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Re: Webpage templates: Specify *.html file names

Post by xnview »

TorstenT wrote:Hej,

again a request regarding the web page generation :-)

In brief, I wish to have the file name of the generated HTML files to be configurable. A more detailed explaination follows below:

I have to make multilingual web pages. No big deal (even though not very sophisticated using hand-made HTML). Of course I want to re-use the original images (and thumbnail images) and just have multiple sets of HTML files pointing to the same image files.

But this causes problems because XnView seems to have hardcoded the file name of the thumbnail page ("thumbs.html"). It is not sufficient to rename "thumbs.html" to e.g. "index_english.html" because then the links from the thumbnail HTML files (e.g. "Img_1234.html") back to the thumbnail page become invalid.

What I need is a possibility to specify the name of the thumbnail page, preferrably in the setup window (where it would saved / loaded if this feature should ever be implemented). Furthermore, also a way to specify some pre- or postfix for the HTML files in the "original" directory. After all, I have to have a different set of them for each language.
But i use the same name as the template... Perhaps adding a suffix??
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Post by TorstenT »

Hej Pierre,
I do not understand what you mean by "the same name as the template".
a) the name of the main page always seems to be "thumbs.html"
b) the names of the many "small" html files always seems to be "<imagefile_without_extension>.html".
But a suffix sounds good, yes.
BTW, a constellation using suffixes can be viewed at the page http://home20.inet.tele.dk/hansen_og_th ... index.html; I have made it by a bit of renaming and search&replace.

There I have placed three index pages:
+ a german one "index.html"
+ an english one "index_en.html" and
+ a danish one "index_da".html"
In all three pages, I use the same thumbnails as image sources. For the anchors however, I use three different html files per thumbnail:
+ the first URL on the german page (showing the thumbnail for "Img_22009i.JPG"), points to "original/Img_22009i.html"
+ the first URL on the english page points to "original/Img_22009i_en.html"
+ the first URL on the danish page points to "original/Img_22009i_da.html"
All three HTML files "original/Img_22009i*.html" point further to the actual image "original/Img_22009i.JPEG". In the backward direction, they point to the respective "index*.html" page.

That was a long story, I am afraid, but hope it was good enough. Furthermore I want to repeat that you idea with suffixes is good, especially when combined with a feature to specify the "base" name of the web page.

Looking forward to some response some time.
Regards, Torsten
Torsten Thießenhusen
callto:TorstenThiessenhusen (Skype)