Webpage templates: Save settings

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView Classic

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Webpage templates: Save settings

Post by TorstenT »


generating web pages has become much more sophisticated using the templates in version 1.80. There is, however, a little thing that is missing: There is no "Save..." and "Load..." facility in the setup window (Ctrl+G).

Even though I can put lots of things in the template, I still have to fill in many details in the dialog window. So, changing the template file is not sufficient, I also have to edit e.g. "Title", "Header" and output directory. This can be a tideous job if I am working with different web pages in parallel.

Any chance for a "Load..."/"Save..." button?

Torsten Thießenhusen
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Re: Webpage templates: Save settings

Post by xnview »

TorstenT wrote:generating web pages has become much more sophisticated using the templates in version 1.80. There is, however, a little thing that is missing: There is no "Save..." and "Load..." facility in the setup window (Ctrl+G).

Even though I can put lots of things in the template, I still have to fill in many details in the dialog window. So, changing the template file is not sufficient, I also have to edit e.g. "Title", "Header" and output directory. This can be a tideous job if I am working with different web pages in parallel.

Any chance for a "Load..."/"Save..." button?
So something to save/load settings (template, title, ...) in an external text file, right?
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Post by TorstenT »

Precisely. The same way as you can save a slide show or a seqence convert.
Torsten Thießenhusen
callto:TorstenThiessenhusen (Skype)