Starting from scratch might give better results, especially if others members add their own suggestions/improvements...
Useful Statistics:
- Focal lengths given in 35mm equivalent
(intervals: <16mm;[16-24[;[24-28[;[28-35[;[35-50[;[50-85[;[85-135[;[135-200[;[200-300[;[300-400[;[400-600[;>600mm)
- Apertures
<1.0;[1.0-1.4[;[1.4-2[;[2-2.8[;[2.8-4[;[4-5.6[;[5.6-8[;[8-11[;[11-16[;[16-22[;[22-32[; >32)
- Shutter Speed
- Stability (based on Focal in 35mm equivalent / Speed)
(Bad>4; Insufficient[2-4[; Ok[1-2[;Good[1/2-1[;Very good<1/2 +could take into account Stabilization: x4 those numbers)
- Definition (calculated as width x heigth)
- Orientation / Flash / Exposure mode / Metering mode / Drive mode / Focus mode / Stabilization
- Date (Monthly, show one curve for each year)
- Hour ([00-06[;[06-08[;[08-12[;[12-14[;[14-17[;[17-20[;[20-22[;[22-24[)
It would also be great to be able to refine data. Example:
1. Choose Brand (you see numbers of photos for each Brand)
2. Choose Model ("" for each Model under the selected Brand)
3. Choose Lens ("" and only for DSLR)
4. access any detailled statistics for that branch
(or maybe different possibilities)
You could select a folder and subfolders (or several?) to build statistics. A button to refresh those folders. Data could be cached and you would be able to export to Excel, of CSV formats...
This is just to provide some ideas for further discussion...