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Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView Classic

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Post by ouistiti »

<Moderator's note: This topic has been moved>

In 1.80.1, we have previews for the filters features, and for the "Adjust…" dialogue too. Like a user tells here, this is boring in many cases.
- Hence, I would wish a check-box to enable / disable the Previews in both functions, I mean filters and "Adjust…"


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In addition…

Post by Clo »

:) Hello Paul !

- I support this request. In addition, to increase the efficiency of the option (when the previews are hidden), I guess that these dialogue-boxes might be made as resizable…

:mrgreen: Friendly,
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Re: In addition…

Post by marsh »

There is a way to see changes on larger photo: After selecting slider, you can move dialogue off-screen and use arrows to adjust gamma while seeing full-size view.
Clo wrote: - I support this request. In addition, to increase the efficiency of the option (when the previews are hidden), I guess that these dialogue-boxes might be made as resizable…
Resizable dialogue-boxes? Firefox is my only program which does this (I never thought of looking for this feature until reading your comment).
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Resize is nice---

Post by Clo »

:arrow: marsh

:) Hello !

• Thanks for the trick; alas, I have to work with so small images the most times, hence these new "Previews" are really exasperating !

- We have already a resizable box in XnView : "Open"…
- It isn't so rare, we have some in Total Commander (to edit the custom columns), and in other programs too… When programming, it isn't difficult to get a resizable box, just state "True" instead "False" for the instruction…
- The snag is that many times, while you have i.e. a combobox or a list-field that causes to get scroll-bars, that combo or list-field is not enlarged too when you enlarge the dialogue…

:mrgreen: Kind regards,
Last edited by Clo on Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In addition…

Post by Irving »

There is a way to see changes on larger photo: After selecting slider, you can move dialogue off-screen and use arrows to adjust gamma while seeing full-size view.

Uh, as with 1.74 or any version before it, you already had to move the dialog box around. So if you're going to move a tiny and redundant preview box so that you can see a large preview....

If anything 1.74 and previous would've been nice with a smaller dialog. (And a gamma-brightness-contrast dialog that resets to zero when you close XnView, hint hint hint hint hint). :D
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Re: Hide Previews…

Post by xnview »

ouistiti wrote:<Moderator's note: This topic has been moved>

In 1.80.1, we have previews for the filters features, and for the "Adjust…" dialogue too. Like a user tells here, this is boring in many cases.
- Hence, I would wish a check-box to enable / disable the Previews in both functions, I mean filters and "Adjust…"
Ok, i'll add an option to hide the preview...