Full support for RAWs from Digital Cameras (EXIF, IPTC...)

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Full support for RAWs from Digital Cameras (EXIF, IPTC...)

Post by Olivier_G »

XnView can show many formats, including some (most/all?) RAWs from digital cameras. That's already very good... :D

Those RAW files also have a lot of information embedded, especially the EXIF data (but not necessary in the EXIF standard, nor any standard... :( ).

It would be great if XnView could use those data and allow us to manage them completely, just as JPEG files:
- access those 'pseudo' EXIF data, and show them in the EXIF panel
- use the Orientation EXIF Flag to automatically orientate the Thumbnails
- take advantage of XMP to manage IPTC data through their new "IPTC Core" with sidecar .xmp files.

It could be quite a lot of work, but would be of great interest for Advanced Photographers.
(I am trying to promote XnView as the ultimate photo Viewer[&more] for all photographers... at least in some forums :mrgreen:)

PS: there is also another suggestion about combining .CRW and .THM as a single Thumbnail, that belongs to the same 'topic'