no need to say that I love XnView. I use this tool a lot (and already made a donation

I'm experimenting with embedded GPS data in the EXIF data right now. Adding the GPS data works well (with other tools) but there is no support in XnView.
Now, what I really love to see is:
A function that opens a Google Maps URL pinpointing to the GPS data found in a particular photo.
This function should be available whenever a picture is openend. A keyboard shortcut would be great (for diashow mode, full screen mode, etc.).
Here's an example for a picture with GPS data embedded:
The GPS data looks like:
Version ID :
Latitude Ref : North
Latitude : 28° 25' 7.64"
Longitude Ref : West
Longitude : 81° 34' 51.50"
Haltitude Ref : Sea Level
Haltitude : 33.00
Map Datum : WGS-84
Calculation is easy:
28+(25/60)+(7.64/3600) = 28.418788888888888888888888888889 ~= 28.418789
81+(34/60)+(51.50/3600) = 81.580972222222222222222222222222 ~= -81.580972 (minus for West)
The resulting URL then is: ... 80972&z=20
I know there are a lot of parameters for Google Maps, but I like this settings (satellit+labels on high zoom) the most.
What do you think? Shouldn't be that hard to implement

As an addon maybe the Google parameters could be changeable in the XnView options...
Best regards, Farbauti.