I'm so glad XnView is being updated quiet frequently - it means it's constantly improving even though it's already near-perfect software

One thing could be improved - the check for updates feature. Currently when there is an update it displays an "alert" box about the update with a "ok" button, that's it...well, cool, there is an update, now what? What it missing on that alert box is:
1) information on what is the current version and what is the new version
2) a link to the download page or at least to home page. Or instead of a "ok" button show two buttons with a question "do you want download update?" with Yes/No buttons
3) display changes log, or a link to the latest changes log, so the user could decide if they want get the update or not.
4) ability temporary disable check for updates for NN days/weeks/month/until computer reboots
As an example here is how it looks like in UEStudio update notification: The blue link opens download page.
Thank you.