m3u file list support

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Re: m3u file list support

Post by AHCarter »

Dreamer wrote:
AHCarter wrote:While I love Xnview and like the ability to be able to do batch renames for any file type. I think that it needs to be graphic oriented and not play audio files, or perhaps have a new proggie: XnHear. I primarily have the Images filter set and as far as video clips and sounds, I have both boxes unchecked with respect to playing them. I use Winamp for my sound files and Media Player for video.

But that's just me. Diversification is good, too much diversification and you lose site of the goal through all the trees. :-)
I'm not sure if I know what you mean, but...

- you could still save images to sld files, not only to m3u
- you could open m3u with the context menu, with program you like (e.g. videos.m3u with WMP, music.m3u with winamp and images.m3u with xnview)

But the main reason why I want it is that if you'll save images to sld, you (or your friends, family - in other country maybe) can open it only with xnview, m3u could open everyone (with WMP).

You could burn xnview to CD with images, but everyone use his favourite program, it wouldn't be 'new' too long and also they must install it first...

Maybe it would be better if we had some universal playlist format for images (and videos) and one for all media files, but we have not :(

For best results you would probably want to create a shortcut to Windows Media Player and place it in the SendTo, as double clicking it won't display it in WinAmp, but sending it to WMP will display it.

If the intent is to play music while viewing the pics I dare say that that is beyond the scope of M3U. Also. If the purpose is for the M3U to launch an SLD, I would think that the file type would have to be supported by the media player. You can rename an extention anyway you want, but I believe the player needs to be able to play the file in and of itself, e'en without it being called by the m3u. Also the timing would need to be address.

It's a good idea

Though I still think that XnView should still be geared towards graphics, conversion of such and renaming.

SoothingSounds Media Player

AudioCandy !!
AudioCandy, Entertainment for your ears.

That sounds like a winner for a media player
A.H. Carter

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Re: m3u file list support

Post by Dreamer »

AHCarter wrote:
Dreamer wrote:But the main reason why I want it is that if you'll save images to sld, you (or your friends, family - in other country maybe) can open it only with xnview, m3u could open everyone (with WMP).
That goes with the assumption that everyone has a player that can support M3U.
Yes, WMP, old or new, is on every computer (with windows)
Also, you can create Slideshows and place them on CD with an autostrt by including the manual install proggie on the CD:
Yes, but you must use old xnview to view images then (when new xnview will be released), some people don't like autorun and again: they must use xnview only.
If the intent is to play music while viewing the pics I dare say that that is beyond the scope of M3U.
You can open 2 xnview instances and again:

- you could still save images to sld files, not only to m3u
- you could open m3u with the context menu, with program you like (e.g. videos.m3u with WMP, music.m3u with winamp and images.m3u with xnview)
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Re: m3u file list support

Post by AHCarter »

Dreamer wrote:
AHCarter wrote:But the main reason why I want it is that if you'll save images to sld, you (or your friends, family - in other country maybe) can open it only with xnview, m3u could open everyone (with WMP).
That goes with the assumption that everyone has a player that can support M3U.
Yes, WMP, old or new, is on every computer (with windows)
Beg to differ, IE can be installed without Windows Media Player and is usually offered as an option. One of the things about Windows OSes/Software they always go under the assumption that you may not have it, hence the redundancy (hence bloat) of many files. Do a search for "MSvcrt.dll" and you may find several, I just found 9 on my C drive.
A.H. Carter

OS:Win 98 SE
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Post by Dreamer »

But WMP is at least on almost every computer and you could add xnview to CD too and everyone can open m3u in WMP, other programs (MV2 Player, Winamp 5 with plugin...), old xnview from CD or new xnview.

sld can be opened with xnview only and autorun CD with old xnview only.

And you could create sld and m3u playlist and burn it on CD, or you could create autorun CD and add m3u there... And everyone could choose what he will use...