All Current keyboard Hotkeys & Shortcuts

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All Current keyboard Hotkeys & Shortcuts

Post by Dreamer »

Keyboard shortcuts of XnView Classic

Browser Mode

Help - F1
Close - Ctrl+W
Print - Ctrl+P
Quit - Ctrl+Q

Copy selected files - Ctrl+C
Copy image data - Ctrl+Shift+C
Import clipboard - Ctrl+Shift+V
Select All - Ctrl+A
Copy selected files into - Alt+C
Move selected files into - Alt+M
Delete selected files - Del
Rename - F2
New Folder - F7
Describe - Ctrl+D
Properties - Ctrl+E, Alt+Enter

Refresh - Shift+R, F5
Stop thumbnails creation - Esc

Fullscreen - F11
Show/Hide Title bar - Ctrl + F11 (XnView MP, only)
Show/Hide Tool Bar - Ctrl+Shift+T
Show/Hide Status Bar - Ctrl+Shift+B
Show/Hide Folder Tree - Ctrl+Shift+F
Show/Hide Preview - Ctrl+Shift+P
Next Tab - Ctrl+Tab, F8
Previous Tab - Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Toggle Views - F9
Fit Image to Window - Ctrl+Shift+W
Show text file - Ctrl+Shift+A
Show HexaView for unknown file - Ctrl+Shift+N

Open - Ctrl+O
Open With Associated Program - F3
Open With Associated Editor - F4
Open in Hex mode or View In Hexa - Ctrl+H
Search - Ctrl+F
Slideshow - Ctrl+L
Start Slide Show - Pause
Stop Slide Show - Esc
Quick Slide Show - Pause, (Space)
Batch Convert - Ctrl+U
Page Web - Ctrl+G
Sequence Convert - Ctrl+N
Options - F12

Show Favourites menu - Ctrl+F1, F6
Show/Hide Folder Tabs - Ctrl+Shift+M
Open in external program - Alt+2, Alt+3 ...

Folder history - move back/forward - Alt+left / Alt+right
Up one level - Backspace
Tag/untag - Ctrl+T, Insert, Space
Rating - Ctrl+Numpad 1/2/3/4/5
Remove Rating - Ctrl+Numpad 0
Colour label - Ctrl+Alt+Numpad 1/2/3/4/5
Remove Colour label - Ctrl+Alt+Numpad 0
Create Contact Sheet - Ctrl+K
Switch between Native and English lang. - Ctrl+F12
Switch between all languages - Alt+F12
Strip of images - Shift+A
Create Multi-Page - Shift+M

Image View Mode

Help - F1
Open - Ctrl+O
Open With Associated Program - F3
Open With Associated Editor - F4
Open in Hex mode or View In Hexa - Ctrl+H
Browse - Ctrl+B
Reopen - Ctrl+R, F5
Save - Ctrl+S
Save as - Ctrl+Shift+S

Undo - Ctrl+Z
Cut - Ctrl+X
Copy - Ctrl+C
Paste - Ctrl+V
Canvas Size - Shift+C
Crop - Ctrl+Y
Automatic crop - Shift+Y
Add Text - Shift+T
Red Eyes correction - Ctrl+E
Import clipboard - Ctrl+Shift+V
Select all - Ctrl+A
Selection - Swap width & height - Tab
Selection ratio - Free - A
Selection ratio - Same as image - D
Custom Selection - C
Copy file into - Alt+C
Move file into - Alt+M
Delete file - Del
Rename - F2
Describe - Ctrl+D
Properties - Ctrl+E, Alt+Enter
Edit IPTC - Ctrl+I
Edit colormap - Ctrl+M

Resize - Shift+S
Rotate -90 - Shift+L, Shift+left
Rotate 90 - Shift+R, Shift+right
Rotate -90 lossless (jpeg) - Ctrl+Shift+L, Ctrl+left
Rotate 90 lossless (jpeg) - Ctrl+Shift+R, Ctrl+right
Vertical Flip - Shift+V
Horizontal Flip - Shift+H
Brightness/Contrast/... - Shift+E

Adobe Photoshop Plugin - Ctrl+G

Fullscreen - F11, F
Original Size - Numpad *
Fit window to image - Ctrl+T
Fit image to window, all - /
Zoom + - +
Zoom - - -
Lock Zoom - Ctrl+Numpad /
Next File - PageDown
Previous File - PageUp
Previous File - Backspace
First File - Home
Last File - End
Next Page - Shift+PageDown
Previous Page - Shift+PageUp
Quick Slide Show - Space, Pause
Show Mask - M
Show information - I
Show/Hide Tool Bar - Ctrl+Shift+T
Show/Hide Status Bar - Ctrl+Shift+B
Show Color Informations - Ctrl+Shift+I

Search - Ctrl+F
Slideshow - Ctrl+L
Batch Convert - Ctrl+U
Sequence Convert - Ctrl+N
Edit Multipage TIFF - Ctrl+J
Options - F12

Show/Hide Folder Tabs - Ctrl+Shift+M
Lossless crop - Ctrl+Shift+Y
Open in external program - Alt+2, Alt+3 ...

Tag/untag - T, Insert
Move image - Numpad 2, 4, 5, 6, 8
Centre image - Numpad 0
Fit width - Numpad 1
Fit height - Numpad 3

Brightness '+' - Ctrl+Numpad 7
Brightness '-' - Ctrl+Numpad 1
Brightness Reset - Ctrl+Numpad 4
Contrast '+' - Ctrl+Numpad 8
Contrast '-' - Ctrl+Numpad 2
Contrast Reset - Ctrl+Numpad 5
Gamma '+' - Ctrl+Numpad 9
Gamma '-' - Ctrl+Numpad 3
Gamma Reset - Ctrl+Numpad 6
Reset all (Brightness, Contrast, Gamma) - Ctrl+ Numpad 0
Show previous frame - up arrow
Show next frame - down arrow
Switch between Native and English lang. - Ctrl+F12
Switch between all languages - Alt+F12
Strip of images - Shift+A
Create Multi-Page - Shift+M

Mouse shortcuts

Show default Windows Explorer context menu - Ctrl+RMB

Switching between modes (customizable) - LMB double-click
Switching between modes (customizable) - MMB
Context menu - RMB
Previous/Next image / Scroll / Zoom (customizable) - wheel
Fit image to window, large only - LMB+RMB
Fit image to window, large only - RMB+LMB
Lock zoom - LMB+MMB
Lock zoom - RMB+MMB
Zoom + / - - LMB+wheel
Zoom + / - - RMB+wheel
Zoom + / - - Ctrl+wheel
Select files - Ctrl+LMB

LMB = left mouse button
MMB = middle mouse button
RMB = right mouse button
wheel = mouse wheel


You can find a list of all hotkeys/shortcuts also in the XnView Help (press F1 in XnView to show).

If you want to support Custom Hotkeys/Shortcuts, you can do it in that topic.

You can make requests for new hotkeys and shortcuts in that topic, or you can create a new topic (for larger requests).

Before posting a request please check in that topic and make sure that it hasn't been requested before and whether this hotkey/shortcut is not reserved for another option (above).