1. Thumbnail source
1.1. live/cache
- is Catalog and Thumbnails caching enabled (Settings > Catalog)
☑ will be generated from file when folder is opened for the first time (WxH and compression set in Settings > Catalog)
☐ will be generated from file each time folder is opened
- is Use embedded thumbnails enabled (Settings > Thumbnails)
☑ • does image have embedded thumbnail
☑ • is Create from original image if embedded thumbnail is smaller than thumbnail size enabled (Settings > Thumbnails)
☑ • is embedded thumb size > thumb rendering size (Browser > View > Thumbnails size)
☑ embedded thumb will be used
☐ will be generated from image
☐ will be generated from image
☐ will be generated from image
☐ will be generated from image
2. Thumbnail rendering
2.1. rendering size (Browser > View > Thumbnails size)
- is image/embedded thumb size > thumb rendering size
☑ source will be shrunk to rendered size
☐ source will have original size
- Create high quality thumbnails (apply bilinear filter)
- Use alpha
- Sharpen
- Use gamma correction
Thumbnails can be rebuild manually
- embedded
- selected files via EXIF thumbnail - Rebuild (Browser > Metadata > EXIF thumbnail)
- live
- selected files via Rebuild thumbnails (Browser > View)
- cached
- selected files via Rebuild thumbnails (Browser > View)
- all files via Rebuild thumbnails (Settings > Catalog)
- general
Why are the thumbnails blur?