Slide Show: Avoid flickering between images

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Slide Show: Avoid flickering between images

Post by Joe/Berlin »

Hello all,

How can I void flickering between images in a slide show? I show pictures that are mostly white and only differ slightly. When the images change, the diplay is erased before the next image is displayed, resulting in a short black "flicker", which is very annoying. Other viewers such as "feh" don't exhibit this behaviour, as they immediately overwrite the old image by the new one.

Is there any parameter that I have overlooked or does the above behaviour have to be regarded as a bug?

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Re: Slide Show: Avoid flickering between images

Post by xnview »

Joe/Berlin wrote:Hello all,

How can I void flickering between images in a slide show? I show pictures that are mostly white and only differ slightly. When the images change, the diplay is erased before the next image is displayed, resulting in a short black "flicker", which is very annoying. Other viewers such as "feh" don't exhibit this behaviour, as they immediately overwrite the old image by the new one.

Is there any parameter that I have overlooked or does the above behaviour have to be regarded as a bug?
Could you tell me which settings do you have?

Post by Joe/Berlin »

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Any idea?

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Author of XnView
Posts: 45224
Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
Location: France

Post by xnview »

Joe/Berlin wrote: Any idea?
I'll check

Post by Joe/Berlin »

Any luck?