I make Image viewer for Linux, named Simple Viewer, based on GFL 2.80. It use only Xlib and gfllib.
It's Freeware.
Code: Select all
sview [OPTION]... FILE
-h, --help show this help;
-i disable on screen info;
-s enable scale to window;
-f start in fullscreen mode.
-n detect image by file name.
Available keys:
<esc> exit;
<space> next image;
<pgdn> next image;
<backspace> previous image;
<pgup> previous image;
<enter> switch fullscreen / windowed mode;
<ctrl>+<del> delete image from disk;
<s> fit image to window (quick algorithm);
<b> best fit current image to window (bilinear algorithm);
<v> flip vertical;
<h> flip horizontal;
<r> rotate clockwice;
<l> rotate counter clockwice;
<i> hide / show on screen info.