Image does not change correctly

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Image does not change correctly

Post by scarabeaus »


first of all, great programm...

now my problem:
when using xnview and than doubble klick on an image to view it larger, after a view images it "hangs" somehow. but when it loads the image it shows the correct file name. so i have to rezise the window each time when i go to the next image to view it.

can someone help me??

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Re: Image does not change correctly

Post by xnview »

scarabeaus wrote: first of all, great programm...

now my problem:
when using xnview and than doubble klick on an image to view it larger, after a view images it "hangs" somehow. but when it loads the image it shows the correct file name. so i have to rezise the window each time when i go to the next image to view it.

can someone help me??
Sorry i don't understand.

Post by scarabeaus »


sorry for my poor english. but i will try to explain it better:

when i watch my images xnview works fine at the begining. after a view images it does not show the right image. when i click next image a small popup window appears, where i can see that the next image is loaded. but when this window disappears i still see the last image until i resize the window from xnview. in other words it does not refresh the imgewindow.

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Post by xnview »

scarabeaus wrote:when i watch my images xnview works fine at the begining. after a view images it does not show the right image. when i click next image a small popup window appears, where i can see that the next image is loaded. but when this window disappears i still see the last image until i resize the window from xnview. in other words it does not refresh the imgewindow.
Ok, i'll check

Post by PuMi »

i have the same Problem.

In german:

Habe ein kleines, aber sehr nervendes Problem mit Xnview 1.68.1. Wenn ich Bilder anschauen möchte und vor und zurück skippe mit den Pfeilbuttons, dann wird zwar beispielsweise der Wechsel von Bild 8/13 auf 9/13 in der Statusleiste angezeigt, aber das angezeigte Bild bleibt das Selbe. Also die Statusleiste sagt das des nächste Bild angezeigt wird ( bzw. ist Wink ) , aber man sieht halt noch den Vorgänger. Das kann so ein bis drei Bilder lang gehen und dann geht wiedre richtig und dann auch wieder nicht Sad Also irgendwie kann man so nicht wirklick komfortabel Bilder in einer Reihenfolge schauen Wink

Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen und nen Tipp für mich?
Pink Ink

Post by Pink Ink »

same problem, and it's reproduceable.

:!: I found out that it occurs only if you have one of these options checked:
'High zoom quality' (reduce/enlarge/fit to window).

I also noticed, that the next picture is not reloaded properly, if it has the same size (width/height) like the one before. If you press CTRL-R then, to reload, it will update the picture correctly afterwards.

:idea: Possibly some issue with the intermediate buffer, used for resampling?