XnView HP-UX OpenGL capture problem.

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XnView HP-UX OpenGL capture problem.

Post by deadbeef »


I installed XnView on my HP-UX 11.11 workstation.

It works fine, but when i try to capture a window of UGS I-DEAS 12 NX
image gets fuzzy. :? See image below:

It should look like this:

I have set true color in X server but it doesn't help

I think it has to do something with this:

Code: Select all

Traditional Screen Capture
    The captured area includes several windows in different modes. Windows using different color maps are poorly reproduced. Windows filled by other methods than traditional X Window appear black filled.

X Enhanced Screen Capture
    The captured area includes several windows in different modes. Windows using different color maps are all reproduced correctly. Windows filled by other methods than traditional X Window are detected and filled correctly.
Is there anyway how to fix this and get right images?
Last edited by deadbeef on Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:49 pm

Post by deadbeef »

Okay i guess this is not a bug.

Xwd does the same thing as xnview. It doesn't capture windows where OpenGL is running correctly.

The question is why?