Navigation Keys

Discussions on XnView for PocketPC

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Navigation Keys

Post by Stephane »

It would be a nice to have to be able to configure keys on the Pocket PC to different function.

Up/Dn, = Previous/Next Image
Lf/Rg = Zoom-/Zoom+
Enter = Switch listing/viewing
Option to use the stylus to navigate in the image

Just some ideas ...

Any status update ?



Post by Guest »

Yes - ability of using keys is really important!

And one thing more:
Not any progress bar is displayed while opening image from a thumbnail.
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Re: Navigation Keys

Post by xnview »

Stephane wrote:It would be a nice to have to be able to configure keys on the Pocket PC to different function.

Up/Dn, = Previous/Next Image
Lf/Rg = Zoom-/Zoom+
Enter = Switch listing/viewing
Option to use the stylus to navigate in the image

Just some ideas ...

Any status update ?
But you can configure keys in options/Button???

Post by bell »

is it possible to configure keys so that they will move picture
up, down, left, right key - move picture up, down, left, right?
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Post by xnview »

bell wrote:is it possible to configure keys so that they will move picture
up, down, left, right key - move picture up, down, left, right?
Currently not, but is it a needed feature?

Post by bell »

xnview wrote:
bell wrote:is it possible to configure keys so that they will move picture
up, down, left, right key - move picture up, down, left, right?
Currently not, but is it a needed feature?
i think it would be convinient to view large picture (photed lectures or some other text) using one hand and don't be afraid to lose stylus

Post by dAb »

The possibility to move big pictures with the navigation keys would be great. I've got a lot of documents and literature scanned for viewing/reading on my pocket pc and while reading it's more comfortable to use the navigationkeys than the stylus.

Post by Guest »

I second or third this. Using the navigation buttons to move the picture around when zoomed in, would be useful. But I think that the existing functionality of being able to zoom and move between pictures should also be kept. This would mean using more than just the navigation buttons. So for example the navigation buttons for moving the picture around and the other 4 program buttons configurable for the next / prev pic and zoom in and out. This would make this piece of software unique and would allow full control without need to pull out the stylus. Also full one-handed operation may well appeal to lot's of males, but the less said about that the better....

I just don't know whether this is possible in WM5. Media player only allows the navigation keys to be customised in the WM5 version, where as in the WM2003 version all the buttons were customisable for use while media player was the active application and not 'in the background'. So I don't know whether WM5 blocks the use by programs of the program buttons, because of WM5's in-built one-handed operation.

Anyway that's my two penny's worth on the subject.
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Re: Navigation Keys

Post by luisito »

ce qui serait génial c'est avoir le style iphone, passer les images avec le doigt, ou zoomer, peut-etre dans une prochaine version :))
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Re: Navigation Keys

Post by xnview »

luisito wrote:ce qui serait génial c'est avoir le style iphone, passer les images avec le doigt, ou zoomer, peut-etre dans une prochaine version :))
Avec la derniere version vous pouvez passer à l'image précédente/suivante en deplacant le stylet ou doigt