I work with XnView and Hugin (Panorama photo stitcher). With Hugin you can create panorama pictures.
If you combine pictures with Hugin, it automatically generate/remove some temporary tif-files in the current folder. Have opened the same folder in XnView, leads to crash it. In my opinion it happens if XnView scans the folder to new files. But the files are handled (create/delete) from Hugin in the same time.
Yesterday I sent a crash report about that problem. Maybe that help, too, to find the bug.
I used XnView MP 0.82 beta 3
xnview wrote:
please send me the .dmp file by mail?
I did it right now
And I recognized the problem appears only if I have many files in the working folder (e.g. currently there were ~400 files). Otherwise the crash happens very seldom. So, with the big folder I could reproduce the crash also with 0.81 version and I sent you the report in the normal way (with crash reporter), too.
xnview wrote:oh yes the crash in TIFF, it's fixed like beta 5, strange that you have again a crash. Could you send me the dmp?
Here is the crash report... is zipped.
My folder contains about 400 jpeg-files. If I start creating the panorama with Hugin, XnView do crashing at scanning the folder, because of the temporary tiff files. (maybe?)
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