Converting PNG files to SVG files

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Converting PNG files to SVG files

Post by Xanadu »

Hello, I have a bunch of .png image files that I want to convert to .svg files. In my Google search I understood that your tool will do that, but I have XNconvert (and love it) but svg does not seem to be one of many output options.

How to do?

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Re: Converting PNG files to SVG files

Post by xnview »

You can convert SVG=>PNG, but not PNG=>SVG. (SVG is a vector format while PNG is a bitmap format.)
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Re: Converting PNG files to SVG files

Post by Xanadu »

Thanks for the reply, Pierre. Do you know of a workaround? Can I convert a png to something else and then to an SVG, or do you know of any other solution?
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Re: Converting PNG files to SVG files

Post by cday »

Xanadu wrote:Thanks for the reply, Pierre. Do you know of a workaround? Can I convert a png to something else and then to an SVG, or do you know of any other solution?
The problem is that XnView software doen't support saving to SVG, only reading as shown in the Supported formats link... [Scroll down for the full key, the format of that page could be improved. :wink: ]

But someone may be able to suggest an open source solution... :?:
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Re: Converting PNG files to SVG files

Post by XnTriq »

While PNG is a raster graphics format, SVG stands for “scalable vector graphics”.

In order to convert raster to vector graphics, you need special software capable of so-called image tracing.
The free open-source SVG editor Inkscape is one such program. It allows you — among other things — to vectorize raster images.

There are also online services for raster-to-vector conversion. I did a quick test and uploaded logo.png to Since SVGs are basically text files, you can copy the following “code” and save it as logo.svg to see the result:

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN" "">
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="" width="135px" height="102px" viewBox="0 0 1350 1020" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<g id="layer1" fill="#ca412c" stroke="none">
<path d="M648 836 c-25 -7 -59 -21 -74 -31 -20 -13 -29 -15 -32 -6 -5 16 -47 -30 -60 -66 -8 -24 -7 -32 7 -41 14 -9 13 -11 -8 -11 -21 -1 -23 -4 -17 -33 3 -18 11 -35 17 -38 5 -4 9 -22 8 -41 -3 -41 8 -62 27 -55 8 3 14 2 14 -3 0 -11 78 -64 98 -67 9 -2 24 2 35 8 14 7 17 7 13 -1 -9 -14 3 -14 43 0 35 12 40 24 14 34 -17 6 -17 7 0 20 11 8 26 11 35 8 11 -5 14 -2 9 11 -4 11 -1 19 11 23 9 4 23 13 30 20 19 18 -1 76 -32 92 -16 9 -22 19 -19 32 4 13 0 19 -10 19 -8 0 -17 6 -20 13 -2 6 -8 9 -12 5 -4 -4 -2 -16 6 -25 13 -16 12 -17 -3 -5 -17 13 -99 22 -95 11 1 -4 -5 -15 -14 -25 -9 -11 -20 -41 -24 -67 -6 -44 -8 -47 -20 -30 -22 28 -18 68 11 96 14 14 23 31 19 37 -4 6 4 10 19 10 14 0 26 4 26 8 0 23 128 0 159 -29 12 -11 21 -32 21 -48 0 -15 3 -31 7 -35 9 -9 13 -46 7 -77 -6 -32 -84 -118 -101 -112 -6 2 -14 0 -17 -6 -4 -6 25 -7 76 -4 88 6 127 27 128 66 0 10 7 32 16 49 16 31 12 91 -7 114 -5 7 -9 16 -8 20 9 53 -23 99 -89 129 -20 9 -48 22 -62 29 -33 17 -75 17 -132 2z m-123 -106 c-3 -5 -12 -10 -18 -10 -7 0 -6 4 3 10 19 12 23 12 15 0z m155 -101 c0 -5 6 -7 13 -3 6 4 4 -2 -7 -14 -16 -18 -20 -19 -32 -7 -20 20 -17 35 6 35 11 0 20 -5 20 -11z m113 -34 c-3 -9 -8 -14 -10 -11 -3 3 -2 9 2 15 9 16 15 13 8 -4z m-163 -48 c0 -5 -7 -4 -15 3 -8 7 -15 20 -15 29 1 13 3 13 15 -3 8 -11 15 -24 15 -29z m60 3 c-8 -5 -19 -10 -25 -10 -5 0 -3 5 5 10 8 5 20 10 25 10 6 0 3 -5 -5 -10z m230 -64 c0 -3 -4 -8 -10 -11 -5 -3 -10 -1 -10 4 0 6 5 11 10 11 6 0 10 -2 10 -4z"/>
<g id="layer2" fill="#fcaf17" stroke="none">
<path d="M715 990 c-3 -5 -28 -10 -55 -10 -56 0 -172 -34 -195 -57 -15 -15 -16 -15 -13 3 2 15 -2 18 -21 16 -33 -5 -71 -31 -71 -48 0 -12 5 -12 30 1 69 36 46 10 -41 -44 -54 -34 -99 -70 -107 -85 -7 -14 -21 -26 -31 -26 -10 0 -31 -17 -47 -37 -15 -21 -36 -46 -46 -56 -19 -18 -26 -83 -8 -72 6 4 10 -7 10 -24 0 -17 5 -31 10 -31 6 0 10 -6 10 -13 0 -7 20 -36 45 -64 52 -59 100 -81 235 -107 109 -22 298 -31 375 -18 39 6 62 6 66 0 9 -14 62 -6 67 11 3 10 -3 12 -29 6 l-34 -6 30 19 c19 12 34 16 41 11 17 -14 53 4 67 31 7 14 21 26 32 28 27 5 57 33 51 48 -3 7 2 15 10 18 17 7 19 33 2 39 -10 4 -10 7 0 18 6 7 12 19 12 26 0 25 -26 12 -85 -44 -69 -65 -128 -93 -193 -93 -26 0 -77 -5 -113 -10 -50 -7 -87 -6 -149 5 -46 8 -86 18 -89 23 -3 4 -31 13 -61 19 -128 27 -163 60 -141 134 18 61 143 180 206 197 26 7 51 10 56 7 5 -4 38 5 74 20 57 22 76 25 165 22 55 -1 100 -1 100 1 0 2 -4 12 -10 22 -9 17 -7 18 22 9 47 -13 57 -11 56 9 -1 9 2 27 6 38 6 19 2 23 -29 28 -19 4 -39 4 -44 1 -5 -3 -17 -2 -26 1 -13 5 -14 9 -3 15 11 7 10 11 -2 19 -20 13 -127 13 -135 0z"/>
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Re: Converting PNG files to SVG files

Post by cday »

I see that LibreOffice Draw can also export to SVG, although possibly not the go-to application...
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Re: Converting PNG files to SVG files

Post by Xanadu »

I want to thank you guys for all the info and advice. Very helpful and it's nice to know there are experts out there!
The plan, at least for now, is to open the .pngs in Illustrator and 'save as' .svg files. That will allow the filenames to follow the svg images and although it will be one-by-one, it will be fast. I'm going to pursue the open source leads in the posts first.

Thanks again fellas!! Best to you.
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